Strong Advocacy and Straight Talk since 1985


This Web site and the information presented on it are provided by The Law Offices of David L. Pinsel, P.C. for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice.  Accessing the information contained on the Web site and/or contacting Mr. Pinsel by email does not form or constitute an attorney-client relationship.  If you communicate with us through this site or otherwise and we do not already represent you, your communication may not be treated as privileged or confidential and may be disclosed to other persons.  If you are interested in having Mr. Pinsel represent you, please contact him for more information about his capabilities.

We do not wish to represent anyone solely on the basis of your viewing this web site without understanding your needs more fully.  Contact David L. Pinsel by calling 847-818-8700, or by emailing, to discuss your situation, or ask questions about this web site.  Mr. Pinsel, an attorney admitted to practice under the laws of Illinois, is responsible for the content of this site.

Collaborative Divorce

David L. Pinsel is specially trained in collaborative divorce law. Learn how you may qualify to obtain a collaborative divorce.


David L. Pinsel is a certified mediator. Learn how David can help you resolve disputes efficiently.

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We welcome your questions about obtaining a divorce. Here are some that are frequently asked.

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